Balancing School with Work and Life

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Oh, I guess while I'm waiting out here Tio, go to band practice. I'll tell you about my daily routine of like what I go through. How many classes I take Right now, I'm taking eighteen hours, which is about six classes, including ban on ban meets every single day, five days a week from five to six. I have Class ten AM and then one a one p m to three and then five a band. I don't have much time to work right now. I used to be an information system, and that was pretty flight school because I could work late nights. I could work kind of two hours, just in between classes, but in this year, I wasn't quite sure if I would be ableto putting that extra time too. Mr I'll try to get on one campus shove or another job that could possibly work with my schedule. I am just getting through my day kind of staying cool. The weather here in Mississippi, especially Mr Stay, is usually always beautiful. I have noticed that it's pretty sunny most of the fall semester. Here in Mississippi is very human, and I came from California for a year, and it's like nine day out there. It's super dry heat here on sweating all the time, and that's the one thing I have to get used to. Going to school here in Mississippi say, is the humidity. If you don't like humidity, I'm not sure he could if you could handle it. I'm telling you it's it's super warm, though. Being in the South, it's always probably like seventy five percent of the time. You get all the seasons yet summer, full spring, winter. Then there's some places you only get summer where you only get winter. Apparently, some people choose where they want to go. Big base off that I definitely I am more of a sunny person, but I really do into a Mississippi state. It was probably sunny all my my false mr of freshman year on. Now it is Now it is still sunny while I'm here and we do have our rainy seasons, but that's only I think that's a good thing to have some rain. You know, you gotta appreciate the sign of the good weather. I guess that's all for this video on that one. I will talk to you guys later about probably introduce you to some friends and finish out the tour together.