VCU day in the life

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If I'm already want to be late, why not? Guys? So my day starts with me hitting the snooze button in probably 2 to 3 to 4 to 6 to 18 times before I actually realized that I have to get up. So I know I have to get up and get getting moving in shaken, so I don't know why I look so grouchy in the morning. See some notifications and I'm gonna snap, um, on sap It's weird. I just drink some water as soon as I wake up, because I'm always really they're still have a really, really sore throat. Prior, I didn't really want to sit and they have a big breakfast. Even a super hungry did not want to go to my empty stomach. Want anything like Super suit? Unhealthy fired going to the gym. It's like I've fallen the pedal or, like sweats and 1/2 for like, I don't know anything could happen. It's also gonna put these on when I'm finished working out, which is what I might actually do, um, and tall more in here, and I'm like my own walking key and my water bottle is here and this Tommy Hilfiger back. I really never know where I get a lot of my workout clothes from, but these are my favorite workout on liking their high waisted. I like always, we're also it's like, really fitted and like it's comfortable And then, like these beat up. Today I cut out my orange that I had like I was like hungry super home. I usually just honestly get back on my phone, which again that happened and we'll watch like some TV or like like a little extra players and it's like I'm following the pedal or like sweats and 1/2 for like, I don't know anything could happen. It's also gonna put these on when I'm finished working out, which is what I might actually do, um, and talent or in here. I like always, we're also it's like, really fitted and like it's comfortable and then, like these beat up. Thank you because I like ever human Before you know it, I'm just packing up my last minute stuff like I have added in and I grab all my tea that I made for me, some honey in it. I am out the door and I am headed to me, Mari in our little meeting space start because, like I said, my daughter actually protected, Possibly hold slash, slash, breakfast, slash whatever we want to call it. So the rise table, Ross Ross Ross Evil Rossi will know, but that's what it's called. Um, like student life for people who are interested in coming into bcu. Um, we're done with our whole little large session. I come home and hike to get out of my sweaty gym clothes and I head right into the shower. As you can see, I do my little throwback away thing. I think my makeup and before you know it, I, um, packed up and dressed and ready and headed out the door. So I don't want you guys to get confused, but I grabbed my team and I am out the door for my first class of the day, which is my divers, the immediate class. Most of my classes are about our 30 the most of our later in the day. I love eating because this is like my second stop of the day after I I didn't eat earlier, but I always have to go here when he's out. So I go here, like, every day before I go to my second class. It's my last home for 60 Morgan over at right here somewhere? Yes. I get it times out of the booth, like four dollies trying you guys a good angle. Once my second class is over, I do always head home because I know I have my late class and I want to get as much Relax. Um, I wanted to take, like, a little nicer out so you guys could see the park and where I lived as a freshman. I always go this way, but actually took my time in the rain just to show you guys because I have about hours 30 minutes before my seven clockwise, I do always come home and rest and mentally prepare myself to head out at 6 30 ish. Today I actually left really late because I was just taking my time. Two minutes, I know they're not gonna line on signs on signs right in its class. My class does let out a nine, so I am used to getting home pretty late. There's nothing on my computer, so I'm trying to find out what assignments will. This is literally like halftime college, you know? Um, yeah, like I don't have a really perfect day in the life. That might want that have on, like, this is us so literally If you're an incoming college student and find out where these nights is one of those nights, you just look back on and you just you just cherish these about the same time I could see I still have on my scarf from class. I should perform a my endorsing this behavior because I do realize that being out Lee is like, bad. So my parents are watching this. Be just so when you guys a day in the life and it's like 12.