Freshman Dorm Tour

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There is honestly, like my favorite place on earth right now, and it's just so much fun. I hope that you guys like the video and let's just get right into it. So starting off in the hallway, this is just our door right here on that. Then right when you go inside, this is what the dorm looks like. Basically right when you walk in the room, there is this mirror right on the door on just a full body mirror. We have another mirror that actually came with of the dorm on it just hangs right there. So we've got lots of mirrors to check out outfits and stuff like that right next to the mirror. Just like to grab right before you're about to go out. Um, and that way I don't, like lose my keys, because I literally was everything right on the mirror. It's like a hippie store in Colombia, so we just stuck over there because we have nowhere else to put him, so yeah, but then right as you turn away from the door, you'll notice my side of the room, and this is just kind of a little overview of what it looks like right over here. They're going right now because, um, as you can see, I've like, packed my stuff because I'm about to head hole for Thanksgiving off this hangar right over the door. I just throw right up there and then this is kind of like an overview, but basically, I have these drawers right here and these hold my underwear bras and just like T shirts and sweatshirts. Right over here I have these two crates stocked up on and they just have these little boxes in them and these just hold, like, random stuff on. A lot of it's going right now because I've packed my bag and then right below that I have this thing which is so, so awesome you can't really see it that well. It's basically this four drawer, um, like, organizer thing. Um, and just like any bottoms leggings I have down there, um, and this one, I have some sweatshirts. Then in this one, I keep all my socks and, like, other random things, all right in there and then right over there, just hang my bathroom. Um, so it's just really easy to, like grab and go to the bathroom because I do live on a community. Holes have this organizer for shoes, and I also keep my like perfumes and lotions all right in here. Um, so you have nothing too fancy? Um, but yeah, that's kind of like the overview of the closet next to the closet. Um, and you guys saw them in my whole video, My dorm hall. My student tickets, Um, and just like a bunch of cute little memories up. It just brings some color to the dorm, which I really like a lot so that just it's right above my desk and then on my desk, I have a bunch of really random things, um, that are decorative and so on and so forth. Um, mainly my makeup is the prime thing that I have on my desk, as you can see, um, and this is mainly all the makeup I brought to college, which looks like a lot, but honestly, it's not like a lot, a lot, you know what I mean. I have this little Drewery organizer from Urban A plant from Target, and then a little jewelry box back there with my Polaroid camera, my lamp and that picture of my friend and me from home and then just my makeup mirror and some more jewelry sits in that little box right there. Yeah, just sits in this acrylic box that I got from target, and then some more eye shadow palette sit and not little organizer thing right there. Um and then I have a desk calendar just to keep me organized on so on. Honestly, Just very random things, um, set in this first drawer. I just have my calculator, a little photo, album, tissues, some makeup wipes and then, um, m destroy. I just got that body pillow and, um, husband pillow thing. Then I have some more throw blankets and pillows on the Luton that are from home goods, I believe, Um yeah, this is just basically the whole I guess you could say living room area, and then our rug was actually given to me from a friend. Um, and we just got this like, gray window shade thing to block out the sun. I have to say, Um, we're on the like of high floor, so we have a great view um, moving on to that center area, we have some assorted things on top and our cure egg, which is the love of my life. Inside these acts of these cubes, it actually holds all our food, um, and mugs and some dishware. Um, and then right by that is the trash can and then moving on to the micro fridge, which obviously is our fridge. There's, like, nothing in there right now because we're about to go on vacation. Um, just some random stuff, and right next to that is our TV, which is also, um, something I highly recommend to bring to call it. Right above that, we also have a speaker that just chills right up there, and it actually lights up. Then right below that, we keep extra plates and snacks and then also some random costumes air down there from Halloween. Um, and yeah, and then we just hung these little Christmas lights right above all of that.