Applying for Financial Aid at North Country

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We are going to talk about financial aid developing your plan to pay for college can be very daunting. Today, I'm going to talk to you about all the different options available to you in order to pay college buckle up. Financial aid is this big umbrella term for a bunch of different resources and sources of funds. First grants are funds that you don't need to pay back. That's the difference loans you have to pay back probably with interest grants given to you. Before you do anything related to federal funding, you'll want to create your F. S. A. I. D. And you can do that at www dot student aid dot e. D. Dot gov slash f. S. A. Dash i hot tip. If you're a parent and you're claiming your child as a dependent, you'll need to create two F. S. A. I. D. S. One for you, the parent, one for the students. After you create your F. S. A. I. D. You can submit your FAFSA at www dot f A F U S A dot dot gov. When you submit your FAFSA, you will need to use North Country Community Colleges backs a code and that code is 007111 F. S. A. I. D. Created facts of submitted North country is going to get back to you within one business day to tell you how much in federal grants you qualify. We've dealt with federal and now it's time to deal with new york state France. If you are a resident of new york state, you can apply for new york state grants at w w W dot h E S C dot ny dot gov. Like submitting your FAFSA. You will also need a code for North country Community College for the new york state funding a fortune and that code is different. The North country community college tap code is 2258 FAFSA double oh 7111 tap 2258 different. Now, we can focus on scholarships, scholarships are a great way to lessen the cost of college. Head to www dot n c c c dot e d u slash scholarships. Just do it, check out all of the institutional scholarship opportunities that the North Country Community College Foundation has to offer and see if you qualify and then apply next thing to talk about loans. Unlike grants, loans are funds that you will have to pay back. There are public loans and there are private loans within the public loans. Let's unpack private loans given out by banks, public loans loans that are given out by the government subsidized student loans. The government is paying the interest for you while you're in school. If you have an unsubsidized loans, the government is not going to be paying that interest while you're in school, that interest is going to compound work study. Federal work study positions are available at North Country Community College as a work study student, you are allowed to work up to 10 hours per week, so you get to earn money while you learn. It's important to remember that work study positions are first come first served. If you are a veteran Vermont resident students with any disability or anything else headed to end c c c dot e D U slash paying dash for dash college. That's a re, watch this video as many times as you need to remember that. If you have any questions of any kind about anything, reach out to your enrollment counselor or reach out to any member of the enrollment team at admissions at n c c C dot e D U. I'll see you in the next video. We'll talk about something a little less scary.