The truth about Greek Life at UW

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So we're walking to one of my friend's house is to be here, but here's a little look at some of the houses. Sort of grace and Galilee here to talk a little about Greek life. So what do you guys have to say about Greek life here? U dub? I actually feel so lucky that I like this. School, but it's definitely more relaxed than other schools gone, Tio Rush. Way different because the guy I forget that people don't. As freshman you, it was really scary for me coming out of state because I didn't know what I was gonna live. You have Tio hope for the best hope anyway, house, because that's gonna be a ball immediately back. We have so many houses, we have nineteen different options and really small classes. We have two forty and I think that allows for Group C m way closer. Yeah, it's really cool that you job because we move in our freshmen year into the house. Like, get involved in your story right away. Our sororities and fraternities are all surrounding campus are all super close together. So it's a really tight knit community and super close to school. Like being a house and are specifically is like, very close to So yeah, super nice To just have everyone and then being re client. You can just be like in the kitchen, eating breakfast and say, Wants to go class. Then there's like five other girls going to the same building is, you know, it's so nice like friend who was there for three in the school and he had no ID, and I was like, I literally have not a moment to myself, which is like a plus in it. Last night it was very nice just getting to know somebody once.