Day in My Life!

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As I shout in my dorm to her, this is like my class schedule because I wanted to tell you guys about my daily schedule is like here at U Dub so far, so I have classes every single day of the week other than we can't obviously. My classes don't start until ten, thirty or twelve thirteen, depending on the day. So usually all wake up, depending on what time I have class that day and I'll go down to the dining hall and grab some coffee because the drip coffee here is free. They give us like, this little monk thing, and it gets you like any sewed up or drip coffee for free. Will any of your meals? And I don't usually eat breakfast down there. Really got some fruit or something done shadows walking whore rocket with a game on You are my kind of classic mind, and you look so fine, So and then all like get ready for class, which is just like throwing on a switcher. My class work is about like, fifteen minutes, I would say to my classes. Uh, and I usually get there pretty early, like ten ish minutes early. Welcome both CIA thing the shame and get your heart break some kind of free sinfully don't know what I need. Want I? I only have class for a couple of hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Only have class for fifty minutes every day, which is super nice going into high school. I love it, Um, and then usually all walk back to my dorm from class and all kind of like, make my bad clean at my dorm doll that do some dishes or something, and I'll go down to the dining hall and grab some lunch, stay. Depending on the day, depending on how much homework I have. I'll goto Odegard if I'm like with friends or something. No. Get in the silent war was the first Just be speaking like a real freak voice in my head and my bed filled with you instead. You usually have the rest of day to, like, get whatever new dime. Sometimes they'll just like go hang out with, like, study with friends or just hang out with friends at night, all either just like chill in my dorm. If I have a lot of homework and do some homework or go out with my friends to the big system, then hang out there or just kind of like go to the abv and get food at night, stuff like that, taking your town, work my mind and play with you on paper, it's and its sort. You follow me down this around to the deep, dark sounds. Yeah, it's Oh, there's you village that's super close the University village. Then there's a bunch of ice cream places on the AB and Bubble Tea Place is, and so a super funding like people do all the time. It's just go get ice cream cause there's our bubble tea because there's somebody asking, losing around like Molly Moons. I think it's so Seattle thing, but there's a Molly Moon at you village that people go to a lot.