Why Music at Susquehanna with Andrew

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Hi, my name is Andrew Dickinson and I chose 2% music here at Susquehanna because of all of the ensemble opportunities. So since I've been here, I've been able to participate in symphonic band, one ensemble orchestra chamber groups. Um, and we all just come together to do all of these ensembles. There's a lot of opportunities for many students to perform. So that's one reason that I chose to come to see us going to that. Um, I think definitely if you have an interest just go for it. If you have to audition, take that audition, go to those rehearsals because in the end, um, it's gonna be a really good experience and you're really gonna enjoy it after Susquehanna. I'm hopefully going to pursue a master's degree in music um, and become music professor. I think definitely having um, all the ensemble experience all the music classes and a close relationship with my professors has really helped me to be able to do that. Um, definitely my favorite part is all the different types of music classes that are offered here. So we have a lot of music history forces that are really interesting. Um, Everyone has to learn piano, which is really nice.