Why Intervarsity at Susquehanna with Sammy

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Hi, I'm Sandy Jackson and I am a member of inter varsity and I chose intervarsity because growing up. Um, I come from a christian background and so I definitely wanted to look for an outlet access Guyana. So I found a diversity and it's an interdenominational christian group on campus and it's just a way to stay connected with people that have similar backgrounds, similar interested in me at an event in one of the ambassador's mentioned in diversity. So afterwards I actually went up to him and talked to him about the club and I know that there's others on campus, but that's the one I ended up going with and I've stuck with it ever since. We have weekly bible studies and we just meet once a week. So I know my first year we did a whole conference and it looks like we're gonna be able to go again this year. I'm sorry able to get off campus and go to a conference and meet with other schools. We also do like things called text, a toasty where people across campus can send in questions and we take them a grilled cheese or grilled new talent. Answer the question, I would definitely recommend coming to our activity spare and meeting people with university and other like similar groups and getting on the email list, then you can know what times they meet and who's involved and then just come to a meeting. So if you just come to a meeting, I mean just check it out and see if it's something you're interested in.