Why Crew at Susquehanna with Joe

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I'm a junior here at Susquehanna and I'm a bio major. I'm on the crew team and why I came here was partially the crew team. I talked to the coach before I even came here and I fell in love the coach and what he likes and the mentality of the home hired treaty across the whole entire year. All three years now I've been here, crew has been a very, very nice stress relief and great networking for friends were enjoyment on and off campus and we go out of state, the regatta's. So you do travel a lot, but it's another great resource for any type of help, motivation and just a really great atmosphere of canvas. Majority of the team has zero experience coming in. So if you have not road before, no issue whatsoever. Our coach and the varsity players all help teach you how to row and your intermixed with them in practice. So it's not like you've just thrown into great edge in and you're able to work with varsity and coach to be able to get better and better and you still always have improving the whole entire time you're here. We never turn people while they were open that everybody matter like any circumstances come out enjoy it. Most likely you will meet a few people on the team you like with right away and then they'll keep you motivated to make sure you're going to practice. Then you will make sure that they're going to practice. So we practice monday through Fridays from 4 15 to 6 15, 6 30 and we're on the water during that time where we're in our and when are regarded as happened there typically either in philadelphia or penn state, and it's a saturday, one day event and we'll be back here in the.