My Major? Studio Art! at Susquehanna with Alastair

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I'm a studio art major currently in the studio. So I'm currently in printmaking class with Professor and piper were practicing with linoleum carving. So this is a print that I did based on a linoleum carving. We take a block of this and carved into it to create what's essentially a stamp. I am currently working on my linoleum projects. So to be a studio art major at Susquehanna in the department, you submit a portfolio for review. Um Other than that if you like art should be a good fit. It's very helpful if you know you need to finish a project real late. Um The studio is for art students so we can swipe in with our I. D. And I can come in anytime. Um It's intimidating seeing some of this stuff potentially seniors have done but there are also years ahead of you. They've had time, give yourself that same time I'm looking forward to much more classes in the studio.