My Major? Creative Writing! at Susquehanna with Kayla

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I am a senior creative writing and publishing and editing major here at Susquehanna. Honestly one of my favorite things about being a creative writing major here is just how close you're able to get with your faculty members. I feel like I've really, really grown in my writing because of the workshop classes here. I've learned a lot about what I like as a writer and how to help improve other people's writing. That definitely brings me a lot of joy in the process. There's just so many ways to get involved on campus, especially through literary magazines and organizations like as you slam and fuse, which is the form for undergrad student editors and all those things are ways to give creative writing majors here a lot more professional experience along with community building and a lot of other universities only have like maybe one or two little magazines and we have many more than that. So there's plenty of ways to get involved and I I really like that those aspects. Honestly it just um continue writing and write in your style and not concern yourself with like what other people might expected you because I know that there's kind of mistake MMA against like genre writing like you know, sci fi and fantasy and stuff like that. If you find a good program they're going to nurture you and nurture what you like and help kind of get you out of your comfort zone in terms of writing, What is the best fit for you.