My Academic Experience at Susquehanna with Jena

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So I really like classes a lot here, we actually have such a closer relationship with our professors. Um there's like kind of like this 15 students and one professor kind of ratio and it helps because not only is the class really close with each other and like you know if he was almost like a really close, knit family. We're also really close with our professors, I really am privileged to be able to talk to my professors one on one very easily because of it, and it really helps because you know when you're in a creative writing workshop you're working together to troubleshoot through your own writing pieces. Also it really is nice to know that your professor really is invested in your work and your growth as a writer. Overall, I really love how close I can get with my professors and everyone else in the classroom. Um You know, everyone is super encouraging all the time and I love that support that I get all my classes, not even just in creative writing, we relate to each other and I really love that environment so much.