Meet Grant (and Gus), a Junior at Susquehanna University!

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We're here to tell you about Susquehanna University. I chose Susquehanna because I grew up down the road in Selinsgrove and a tendency to very high school. I thought that Susquehanna would provide a cool community atmosphere. They had the major I wanted and they offered me a lot of financial aid coming to Susquehanna. I studied political science and environmental studies. I thoroughly enjoy my classes specifically environmental studies or I get to learn about my impact on the planet and the ways to mitigate my carbon footprint. Um On campus of a wide access to a variety of clubs. I myself from a part of the student Government association S. G. A. The sustainability office and the environmental club on campus will constantly have access to study groups, different people and people are always willing to help. We have a community like atmosphere we all get along and we all share and helping out in the building and having a good time.