Come Along to the Susquehanna Equestrian Team Competition with Sami

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So it's currently around 3 50 in the morning and you're probably wondering why am I up so old it. The answer is that the question team has a competition today. I'm really, really excited and I cannot wait to take you along with the day. This is actually an overnight, but underneath me, I have all my things that'll packed. So we're able to have a good overnight competition. I can't wait to walk you through what a day in the life of competition looks like for the question team. We're here today at Blue Greer school, kind of state horse show. So like Sammy said earlier, we're super excited for the show. We all drove up at the crack of dawn this morning, made a couple of pit stops, had to get her sheets runnin had to get her Dunkin run in and now we're here. So our coaches and captains are in their official meeting right now and in about an hour I'm going to compete. This is my first last car show because I'm senior. We compete against schools like bucknell, Penn state, Penn state Altoona on Dickinson. I might be missing something, but that's most, most of our schools, that kind of right in the same region and zone as us. So it's a really great day and we've got a lot of people here. I'm really excited to try later today for right now we're watching Sidney, she's about to ride. I was yelling so loud for all my friends, winning their classes that I lost my voice. Yesterday, we got dinner there fred and I went back to our hotel. What's swimming for a little bit and went to bed pretty early. Now it's around 80 and now we're ready for detail. Got 2nd and 3rd and everyone's having a great time and we're just happy to be here after all the covid nonsense and we're ready to be back in the south. I hope that all of you guys have a really fun time coming along with me and be a question team for on the show and I really enjoyed getting to show you guys if you're interested in the question came out on this was beneficial and you got to meet some teammates now.