Come Along to the EU Simulation with Sami & the Susquehanna Team!

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Hi, my name is brian, my name's lisa, my name is heather. My name is Elizabeth and we're getting ready and we're going over our speeches before we go and we present them to the different councils and commissioner officers. We portray members of the european union, current members and act on their behalf, really simulating the european union. I was lucky enough that dr clark invited me back again this year. So it's a great opportunity for us to take what we've been learning in his class, all the research that we've done on the european union and how these different countries act and how the policies and the system works and being able to apply it and actually put into the test and see how this process functions and how it could maybe be better or what works, what doesn't work. I've just been working on the divisions to my speech for the upcoming EU council meeting later tonight. I am Poland's Minister of Climate and Environment Michele Arca and I will be dealing with issues related to the coal industry and commissions of CO two. I'm very nervous but I'm excited to get in there and just see what happens. Okay guys, so this morning we got up, went downstairs and we started our second part of the simulation. So we went ahead, we opened up in the twitter tabla. So we went around heard all the different countries, positions on the start of our agenda and then we broke out into our discussion as the President and Minister for environmental spatial planning so far. What I've done is that I basically delegate the conversations amongst the different ministers in the european council and then making sure that everyone is pretty much heard today went really well. It was nice to finally finalize most of the things in the proposal and getting to here both the eco fin side of things since I'm for the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council. So it was really nice to hear everything from everyone and it was really interesting to see what points the students from other universities race. It was very interesting to just debate with them and kind of engage them in that discussion of the european union and the different merits of each piece of legislation.