Get to know Paxton | a senior Biology major and Spanish minor

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My name is Paxton Fetterman, and I am a senior at Slippery Rock University. I am majoring in biology, and I also have a minor in Spanish. It is a cold, windy day on campus, so I will probably be inside for some of this video. I just want to tell you about my experience and why I chose Super Iraq University. This area here is what we call the quad. So you're looking at Bailey Library here on the left and then in front. Here are some of the academic buildings, but I'm going to show you my favorite academic building, which is Vincent Science Center here. Slippery Rock University is a mid sized public school in the state of Pennsylvania. We have 7500 undergraduate students, but over 8800 students total at Slippery Rock University. Look at after you finished your undergraduate, I will actually be entering the Masters program in education and hopefully become a biology teacher next year. So that is really exciting and something I'm looking forward to. I'm actually from a small town in Apollo, Pennsylvania, a little over an hour from campus, and this size is just perfect for me. I think it's a really good balance between meeting new people all the time that still seeing familiar faces around campus and really getting the chance to know your professors in class is the herbarium. So when I was looking at colleges, slippery rock was always on my radar, but I didn't think that I would end up here. To be honest, I actually toward a lot of schools in the city of Pittsburgh and thought that I wanted to be at a city and I towards slippery rock in the summer. I was still a junior and just wasn't really sure where I wanted to go or what I was even looking for in a college. During my senior year, I was invited Thio, an honor stay at Slippery Rock. So what this was was a big overview of what the honors college experience was like. It s are you? I got to interact with current honor students meet the director, sitting in honors class and see what that looked like. It really, really allowed me to envision what my life could be like. On our way home that day, I was like, Yep, this is where I'm going Fast forward now to being a senior in college at Slippery Rock University. I'm actually the president of our honors college, so it's been kind of a wild journey. Thank you for joining me today and listening to my experience at Slippery Rock and why I chose the Rock. So hopefully I'll see you soon in some of my other videos where I can really dive into some specific topics and hopefully help you in your college search process.