Paxton shows you around the Vincent Science Center which is her home away from home

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Today I'm going to take you on a tour of Vincent Science Center, which is my little home away from home. It is also the academic building where biology is house. So I'm going to get into more about the biology major here at S. Are you here? We are on the outside of Vincent. So we're gonna head in way, are in the lobby of Vincent. So you can see there's some pictures here on the left off some field work and also some professors teaching and same thing on the right. These air students in the lab setting doing some work. So we'll keep going here, coming up on the left. Here in a second, you're going to see a display case we have of different animals and plants and coming up here on the right, you're going to see the planetarium, which is super cool. We have a bunch of different shows for students to come and watch, which I really love on the left. So students often go in there to hang out between classes and get some assignments done or print papers out here, you can see an example of one of our lecture halls in Vincent, so this is our biggest classroom. A lot of the classrooms are much smaller than this, and here you can see one of our labs setting. So one of our students is doing research right now in here. All of our labs are 24 students or less coming out of high school. I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to major in in college, but I always really liked science, and I was really intrigued by Slippery Rocks program when I came on a tour. So that's what I started with was being a biology major, and I've been one ever since. One of the things you have to consider when being a biology major is there is a lab component toe almost every biology course, so you will spend at least two or three times a week in a lecture, and then you also have a lab component, which is typically a 2.5 hour lab period at Slippery Rock. Almost always your instructor for the lab and the lecture course is the same, which is really nice because you're hearing them present the material and lecture. Then once you get in tow lab, you can ask them any questions you have, and it really allows you to get to know the faculty members. Although the workload can be challenging in biology, there is a lot of support here for students. So one you have your faculty members toe help you out and answer any questions. We also have a club here called Try Beta, which is for biology majors. Through that club you get to meet some of your peers and upperclassmen students to be able to ask questions and study with, which has been really valuable to my experience. We also have a lot of opportunities for research within our major ah lot of our students to engage in research experiences with faculty, which is really awesome. It takes you to the next level of academia and you really get thio. Get into material in a new way, and you're going through the entire scientific process yourself. You also have the guidance of a faculty member that is highly knowledgeable in the field as well. Even if you don't choose Thio undergo a research project during your time here. Ah, lot of our classes do have a research aspect built into them, so you're reading scientific journals and getting really comfortable with those important skills. Some of the careers that students in the biology department at Super Iraq University have chosen to pursue include becoming a physician assistant, a physical therapist, a medical doctor or surgeon, a data analyst, a pharmacist, a biology teacher. They've went on to get their PhDs in some field of biology, so the opportunities are truly endless. Overall, there are so many opportunities in the biology major at Slippery Rock University, and I think the connection that we have with our faculty members and the experiences in the labs and research makes this program really unique and really important for students. Thank you for tuning in and learning more about Vincent Science Center and biology at Slippery Rock University.