Meet Mia | a student at Slippery Rock University

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My name is Mia Graziani and welcome to Slippery Rock University. I'm a junior health care major with a minor in psychology here. Besides being one of our tour guides, this I'm also a member of our Slippery Rock Honors college and one of the vice president's for slippery rocks to government here on campus. The reason that I chose Slippery Rock University was because it was the Goldie Locks School for me. Not too big, but not too small right smack dab in the middle. I also changed because I'm from Canada for Pennsylvania, which is about an hour south here. A soon as I stepped on campus here in something wrong, I knew that this is where I so some of the best advice that I can give any senior, no matter where you plan on attending after high school, is to make sure that you feel I knew. Like I said as soon as I walked onto campus that I could see myself here for the next four years, not to mention to look past the classroom, figure out what she wanted to do. Besides all of your academics here, especially at Slippery Rock. We like to stress all of our clubs and organization. No matter what your interests are your hobbies, whatever your major minor is, find something here next. You even more to this place that at the end of the day, you can call this place home to.