Talk with Taron about getting involved at SRU

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My name is Sarah Polk and today I will be giving you guys a full in depth view of my involvement while you're still in Iraq University eso In today's video, I am located in the Multicultural Lounge, which is a student space that we have within the suite, which is an office space located in the Smith Student today. Today I just want to give you guys an overall view of what my experience as to be rock University waas and kind of what clubs and organizations that I was able to be a part of while I was here in my undergraduate and my graduate experience. Now I had the opportunity to be a part of many, many organizations while here on campus, and usually all students are granted that opportunity as we arrived to campus. Within your first week or two of classes, you are able to go to our clubs organizations fair, which is a fair that told that host all of the clubs organizations that we have on campus and you are able to kind of get to get a feel for each organization kind of understand what everybody has to offer you get to meet some people that are a part of the organization. Usually guys, when you were first notified, uh, meetings, events and different things like that, that will be first happening right at the beginning of your semester here at the Rock. Now I personally was a part of around anywhere from 5 to 10 organizations at a time. My position in each organization fluctuated, depending on which organization it waas. So I was a general body member for an organization called Kings, as well as an organization called Suma and I was a nationally recognized member of the N. W. C. P chapter here at Slippery Rock University. I was also an executive board member for Black Action Society, as well as an executive board member for Rock Quilty. Step Team, which is our step team on campus for me, actually held three executive board positions with Black Actors Society. So when I came in my freshman year, every student is usually comes in, and they are a general body member if they decide to join an organization after time goes on, you're going opportunity to level up in each organization, if that makes sense. So my sophomore year actually became the public relations chair, um, black Society, in which I was in charge of all of the advertising and marketing for the club organization. I made all the flyers and the different promotional activities to kind of get our name out there and kind of get people enthusiastic about coming to our events into our meetings. I ended up becoming the president of the organization. I was kind of in charge of running the organization with the help of the other executive board members and our two advisors. I took a step down and actually became vice president for my senior year. With that, I was actually in charge of hosting each meeting, an event that we had on campus, and I was able to kind of get more interactive you, with each of our general vital members as well as people who would, you know, come to support our events from time to time. I actually was granted the opportunity of joining a team called Rock Royalty Steps in which I mentioned earlier with them. I actually became the co captain for my senior year, and that was a tons of fun with rock royalty Step team. I was able Thio perform basketball games and many different events on campus as well as I was able to travel and perform a different schools and different shows throughout our region. After that into my graduate school experience, I had to take a step down from all of my organizations because usually those organizations in those executive positions are held for undergraduate students. For a rocker multi step team, I was actually able to gain the position of graduate co captain. They're a total of three of us, and I was able to still kind of help with administration and creating for our team. Now that goes to say that I had a pretty extensive experience with clubs and organizations while here at Slippery Rock beyond my executive board positions, I was general body member of ah, few different organizations. Aziz well as a constant supporter of many organizations here on campus. We have tons and tons of clubs and organizations here on campus. That's how many things that we had that I couldn't even do everything because there were so much in so little time for me. My biggest thing that I wish I could have done Wow, being in my undergraduate experience was actually do inter mural sports and moral sports are actually sports, and they're also called club Sports, where students who are not actually on the NC double a recognized team are still able to come together and join teams and compete and do different tournaments with our school and with other schools from time to time as they can play basketball way, have a volleyball team and many other. There are plenty of in the middle sports that people play that they actually really, really enjoy. That is one thing that I wish I could have done while I was here. I still was able to do so many amazing things while being here at Silver Iraq are clubs and organizations really do offer a very helping hand in making our experience. Want to remember, With organizations like S E A, U PB and many other to name, each organization provides a special opportunity to each student in which they are able to grow and learn from other people. I have met some of my greatest and most true friends from my involvement in my organizations. Not only will I be able to take with me out into my career, but I will also be able to utilize through life. Slippery Rock does a great job of providing all of these opportunities to you to get involved. There's always something for everyone, as well as a quick, fun fact. I actually friends with many people who were able to restart chapters of organizations as well as create organizations on their own, which is another fun fact. My team, Rockwell's accepting was actually created my sophomore year by one of my very good friends. It's something huge that anybody would benefit from while being asked to theorize campus. I hope you gained a lot of information from this video because I really do hope that once you get to Supermarche University, that should get involved and you stay involved because it'll really make your experience one to remember.