Mia talks about the Slippery Rock University Student Government Association as well as other clubs and organizations

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Welcome to the slippery Rock Student Government Association office. My name is Mia, and I'm actually one of the vice presidents of SRS, G A. This year, one of the best parts about being involved in Slippery Rock Student Government Association is the ability to go outside of the classroom and get even more connected to your university campus. I always love to say that Slippery Rock Student Government Association is the cherry on top of your involvement Sunday, if you just want to get involved a little bit or you just want to add to your involvement already slippery Rock Student Government Association is the way to go. Let's hear from Dr Laura Moran, one of our faculty advisors, about what it's like to become involved here at Slippery Rock. I'm here to tell you a little bit about why you should join student organizations. I'm the director of student engagement and leadership. Being in a student organization is so important to your college experience 80% of your time that you will spend in college is going to be outside the classroom, and we want to fill that with really positive things. We've got over 200 student organizations on campus, anything from, um, leadership organizations to sports to spiritual, athletic, all these different things. So it's important to join the organization once you feel your time in college. To so that you can develop the skills you need to be successful when you leave college and get the job that you want to get. Um, it's a great place to network with other students, as well as alumni and faculty and staff. Um, just a really good way to get connected on campus. Um, more specifically, the Student Government Association, which is the voice of the students here at s are you, um it's a great opportunity because you really get to lead a government and to really make a difference on campus. Um, the S G A is made up of representatives from around the university, Um, and it's a great way to interact with not only other students, but faculty and staff administration, and to really make change on campus. Um, I was the president of Student Government Association when I went to school way back when, um and it really helped to help me to get to where I am today, the skills that I got an SDA or applicable across the board in terms of being a leader and really finding helping, helping me to do things that helped me be successful in my career. So get involved in some way join student organization, join student government association and you'll be successful at us. Are you? I hope that this video was able to show you a little glimpse into the world of slippery Rock Student Government Association. If you ever have any questions or want to learn more about our organization or any other club, O'Rourke here at Slippery Rock feel free to head on two core C o R E. That's our website platform that we use to communicate all of our information about being involved here at Slippery Rock.