Why I chose to pursue my Accounting degree at SDSU Fowler | Brooklyn Lopez
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S. E. S. U. Not only has an amazing program that supports former fosters like myself, but they also have an outstanding accounting program through the Charles Landon School of accountancy, which is a branch under the Fowler College of Business. I have this incredible opportunity to get my Bachelor's and Master's degree at the same time through the BMX program. The reason why I chose accounting as a major out of all other business administration majors was because I love math. Like I really totally love math but I didn't want a major like engineering or something. I like to put puzzle pieces together within the problem. Um But don't get me wrong when I first started taking accounting classes, I totally thought that I wasn't going to fall through because it was such like information overload and I couldn't couldn't even handle it. It wasn't until I met my very favorite professor who inspired me to be where I'm at right now, pursuing a degree in accounting.