University Commons Apartment Tour!

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Uh Today I'm gonna be giving you a tour of my apartment. Um So I live in university comments or you c for short, and you see is kind of the opposite side of campus from the dorms or the residence halls you see holds four people um and has four rooms, so everyone gets their own room, but there's two bathrooms. It's kind of like on one side of the apartment is two bedrooms and they share a bathroom and then on the other side is another two bedrooms and they share a bathroom. You guys are really here to look at the actual apartment. So I guess we'll get into that before we go promising you won't judge because I mean, our apartments not it's not bad but it's not crazy like we don't have like decor or anything. Um And it's literally like a random Wednesday so you're gonna see like the real are a real authentic apartment. Um Other information is that you see apartments are fully furnished so like you don't have to buy a couch, you don't have to buy like chairs, none of that. Um Okay so first thing this is our coat closet, it's got coats, wow, shocker. Um And we have a little place to put your shoes and you've got some other random stuff and then he was like a kind of overview museum that a little bit. There we go, he's got a kind of overview of the apartment. Oh, so I guess I'll move into the kitchen first, so we have a counter here, um you know, Stovall normal kitchen stuff, stove, you've got like a bunch of storage down here and then cabinets up there, my roommates and I don't really have like a particular way of organizing anything, so we just kind of put anything anywhere, so you get a stove and an oven um you will have to buy like your own pans, toaster, things like that. Um So like all this stuff, you have to buy britta filters and stuff, We've got a dishwasher too, which is great if you're like me and you hate doing dishes. You've got our fridge top is a freezer, a bunch of stuff in there, a bunch of stuff in there. So french this is given to us by our I. T. Then and here is our laundry room. So that's another good thing about you see apartments is that we get a laundry room and unit. So we have our washer and dryer obviously detergent softener whatever else you have to buy yourself. Then over here is well okay, don't mind that. Over here we have our tv, this was not provided to F. I. R. E. T. We have to buy this, but TVs TVs are pretty cheap nowadays so it wasn't, I can't remember exactly the price was but it wasn't too bad. Um And then we like to play like card games a lot. Um And then we have other stuff that we use for Halloween including paint and whatnot. Um And then over here we've got our couches which I think I said before but these are included with the apartment that's our internet cable. Oh and then we have a blank out here in case anyone needs it. Like I said before right on one side we have two rooms and a bathroom in here. It's the same on the on the other side here I'll show you so you can see over there that there's two rooms in the bathroom. We have like our mirror and sink stuff over here and then this is the bathroom. It's you know, a bathroom with toilet shower after your your first year. So like my roommate and I we have um like a little schedule going where we alternate who cleans our back, who cleans the bathroom. You see it's like one are per couple buildings um and they're a little bit less like I don't want to say less involved but you're not going to see them as much. If you do have a question, if someone in your building is being too loud, like not following covid protocols and stuff like that, you can always email them. What else you get? Oh yeah and then you get um like all this shelving and stuff and you get these drawers so pretty good deal. There are other apartments where like you they're not furnished and you have to buy all this stuff yourself. Um So yeah this mirror I had to buy myself, it was like a couple of bucks at walmart. Um Here I just like have a tray with like everyday stuff so like masks my car keys. I've got my computer and it's sitting on my little computer stand and I've got my monitor. Um And then I've got, you know, other stuff, my speaker markers, my lamp, this is my chair, my jacket, my scarf and then my backpack. I've got a corkboard that I've put some pictures on and some cute little things. I think something else but you guys get that just given to you from R. T. Which is crazy because when I was a freshman and everything before us we all have to buy our own. So I have a mini fridge just for like stuff that I don't know, I want to keep kind of to myself. Then the I think the thing I use my fridge for the most is like waters juice, things like that. Then I've just got like random stuff up here. Then down here I have the stuff that I used to like in the shower.