Meet Yohermry
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Hi. My name is your how my name is, um, report on my first year computer engineering student here at R I t. I'm initially from Dover, New Jersey. It's not that bad. Uh, I'm be honest. I had no idea of what campus life was like, because Ronna Ronna camera ruined everything. I hope that I can give you all a better perspective and understanding of what everything is like because I didn't know that was coming like into So that's what I'm gonna try to do with y'all. I hope you all cool with that, but I'm not gonna lie. So we're gonna go on this journey together, and I'll break out my shell and be able to show you all what campus life is honestly about. I'm happy I chose alrighty because although I don't got stuff figured out, I feel like I'm meeting all the right people to help connect me and just get toe where I wanna be. So I'm happy to be here, and I'm happy to be making these videos because the at it.