Meet Emma Woerle

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Hi, guys. Welcome to my campus Reels Profile. My name is Emma Woerle. I'm a third year. I am majoring in advertising and Public relations. I'm so excited to be starting this platform and working with campus reels and RIT To share with you a little bit about student life about what it's like here on campus right now. Um, with COVID and with everything like that, I do have my own YouTube channel. Um, just my name, Emma Woerle. So you can go check that out for more personal stuff about my life and being alrighty, student. But I'm so excited to get started on this and share with you guys about being an rit student and what it's all about and why being a tiger is so great. So keep watching. And I will be posting tours and days in the life and little vlogs about being on campus dining, all that kind of stuff. So stay tuned, and I'm so