Dorm Room Tour!

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Looks like currently I'm staying off campus in a two bedroom condo. Then there's some perks to staying on campus. Since it is my senior year, I'm a tube in a two bedroom condo, and it's great. We get our own kitchen, our own bathroom, our own living room. The perks of saying one campus is you get to walk literally anywhere you want. You don't have to drive convenient and you are close to the dining halls. You're close to class, and during the football season, you don't have to do with that traffic. So I'm going to go ahead and show you guys where my room was like, So let's go ahead, check it out. It came with my room's Everything was fully furnished when I got here and the TV I did bring, and that's my little desk. In this, in my room, Sorry, my bed's a little messy, and I have the tapestry hanging up there. I have my guitar over there by the wall on the case, and I have my trumpet. I'm in the band, by the way, because I am my trumpet my car. I just, uh, handsome string lights up, respect extra decoration and let me take you over here to my closet and there's my closet. I don't know if you guys could see, but it's pretty spacious and I got some drawers that came with it. There, and then I'm going to take you guys over to my bathroom. I'll go ahead and have another video and show you guys my downstairs. Then tomorrow I'm going to show you guys with the on campus housing. A little personal and inclusive tour that Alright, See ya later.