Gina Leaming - About Me

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I grew up in southern California and went to school on the central coast of California at Cal PolySan Luis Obisbo and then moved up to San Francisco, working for about four or five years before coming to Austin to get my MBA. The program that I was in was the McCombs Full-Time MBA program and I actually just graduated in May of 2021. What led me to actually take the leap and apply to business school? So I was working in a biotech lab back before my MBAand I knew I wanted to go back to school, but I was torn between different grad programs. I was looking into both masters and Ph.D. programs centered around biotech, but I didn't really feel like it was the right move for my career. It seemed like a really big career pivot to go from kind of a more pure science type role uh, into something else. But the more I learned about MBAs,the more it seemed like the right fit. As far as the types of students that thrive at McCombs, the ones that come in with an excitement for the two-year experience are always the best classmates and the best students. No matter how traditional or nontraditional your background is, everyone is there to learn and take a big step in their career. As someone that fell in the non traditional side with an undergraduate degree in biology, I never felt like I was behind or inexperienced when I was in my finance or accounting classes. What mattered more was my ability to contribute to groups and my current skill set.