Knox College - Single Room Tour
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Sometimes I just see here beyond my phone, actually do home where I find this lady's tenor mike personal. You know, taking myself feudal snapchat and stuff like that. Then my friend this saying no when I'm stressed. Then I have pictures of I have pictures of myself for inspirations. My advisory from high school in my high school friends first. I get like some of my jacket and my mom professional wear white when I go to the school and miss that, just like my jeans stuff. Then in the back, I got my stories till it's It's my run. Explain a little bit about the clothes that you have to wear from your school. Oh, so I'm a major and I have the golden elementary schools hearing Ellsberg and do ours. Like thiss blouse, Carter, give and this Sure like we're professionals doesn't Therefore, thank you, no home.