Sarah explains weather at Wheaton

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I am in the theater right now, and I was walking by and I thought I would show you a quick peek at weather at Wheaton. It's not the prettiest day out, but given that that's what the weather is right now, I figured I'd show you a riel, Really. Fall comes and the leaves there gorgeous and they drop on Blanchard lan on all over campus. Then it may be snows like once or twice before you head off for Christmas break. Then the spring semester isn't as wonderful. You get back and there's lots of snow and everyone was really excited and you'll have snowball fights. For my floor in Smith or Snabe er we all go and make snow Angels on DH. Some guys will run out at the first snow and have a huge it's called the Kingdom runs. They run from chamber to the kingdom, sign and back on, and then Yeah, so it's really fun in the first month or so, but then it kind of just stays, and it doesn't warm up very quickly. This year we had a heavier snowfall this year than we have in previous years. It was really cold through March, and then you'll have just, like, up and down weather. So it'll be like, really warm and like yesterday It was in the seventies on DH today. It's in the fifties and then three days ago it was in the thirties and it was snowing. Oh, it's gross kind of all over the place when the spring comes around, but usually by the end of April, right when this master is finishing out, it just gets lovely weather again. Yeah, so that's how it usually is by the end of the spring semester,.