Sarah tells you about The Space

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Just in my room now, but I wanted to take a moment to tell you about one of the places on campus that it's really kind of unknown by a lot of students, actually, and it's called the space. The space is a house that was purchased by a alum of the college, and they basically gave it to the students, so it's not controlled by the administration of the college. There are always seniors who live in the house and then the main floor, so they live on the upper floors on the main floor and the basement. It's just this creative art studio, and basically it has all sorts of different like computers for people to do visual or like digital art on them. There are walls in the basement that people come in paint on, and basically how it works is you become a member, and to become a member, you have to be there like provide snacks or make events happen or clean or something like that. In exchange for that, you can then, like, use the space whenever you want on wherever you want. So that is one of the, like, really cool things about campus that some people don't even know about here. One of the other cool things about this space is that a lot of alumni will then come and reach out to the four students who are living in the house and say, Hey, I'm looking for someone who could do this specific thing in graphic design and then they can reach out to all the students who are using the space for graphic design and say, Hey, do you want this project working for this person? And you get a lot of connection between alumni and current students. So that's definitely a place that is like a little bit away from campus because it's not technically on campus, it's a few streets over, and it's really beautiful. The way the room and house is set up is just really welcoming and open and very bright and airy. I And it's just such a great place to get connected to alumni and to really express your creativity without needing to do so. Within the confines of a dorm room, which is a very big. So that's one of the, like, really hidden Gens.