Case Method Learning in Action | Harroop Aujila MBA 2021
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As we know, the world of business is quite broad and so naturally you may be wondering how this case method learning style applies in different business fields. You know, let's say you're going, you're doing a course in marketing. Um and the case study for the day places you in the shoes of a marketing manager at a company whose top-line growth has been declining over the past couple of years. You know, and it's your job to sort of understand why this is happening and you know, the case mentions that your company is losing customers and it's asking you to analyze um the marketing strategy of that firm. So again, you'll analyze the marketing strategy of the firm, identify where are the areas of improvement and potentially what can be done to reverse this recent downtrend and ultimately improve the performance of the business. This case method learning style, it places you in the shoes of business leaders to solve real-world business problems and it ultimately leads you to being much better prepared for when you enter the work.