My-Linh - HBA - Interview with HBA Program Students!

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Hi, everyone.Today it's going to be a little differentI figured instead of me talking a lotand you listening about my experiencesand my opinions, I'd bring on some guests.I'm going to be joined todayby my roommates, Nicole and Rachel.They're also in the Ivey Business SchoolHBA program with me.I hope hearing from themallows you to better understandthe Ivey Business School's HBA program.Hopefully, it helps youon your university search.-Hi, I'm Nicole. I'm in my fifth year10of a dual degree withhealth sciences and HBA.11-Hi, I'm Rachel. I'm also in my fifth year12and I'm doing a dual degree withcomputer science and the HBA program.13-I guess first I want to askwhat's your favorite thing14about the Ivey Business Schooland the HBA program?15-I can go first.16I feel like aside from just the friendshipsthat you form with other people,17it's also just a lot oflearning by doing,18rather than having to study and read texts.19You're actually applying things,20and so I love that kind of hands-oninteractive experience that you get.21-Yes, for sure.I think building on what Rachel said.22If the friendships you make23are a really big part of the IveyBusiness School experience.24I think the section experience isdefinitely one of the key parts25that makes Ivey Business Schooldifferent than other programs.26Just being able to bond with that groupof people over the course of the year,27having all the classes with them,doing your projects.28I think it makes it a really goodlearning experience.29-Why did you choose the IveyBusiness School HBA program?30-I chose the HBA program becauseit was one of the only programs31that allowed me to pursuetwo different passions at once.32To that end, I was able to do a dual degreein health sciences and business.33I was always interested in gettinginvolved in the healthcare space,34but I wanted to approach it frommore of the business side.35Being able to do the two degreesat once really allowed me to do that.36-I agree.I think it gave me the most options37in terms of different learningexperiences that I had to get.38For the first two years,I did computer science,39and then I went to the Ivey Business Schooland I got to learn more about business.40I think that diversity was really cool.41I also just loved the Western universitycampus and the vibe that it gave off.42I just thought I would fit wellwith the community there.43-How would you describe the cultureand the environment within the HBA program?44-I would say that because of thatsection environment that's built-in,45it is a very supportive place.46Even when everyone's doing exams or 48s,47even when it is a stressfultime of the year,48you have that group of people to rely on.49Everyone's going through the same thing.50Everyone really got to supporteach other through it.51-I agree.52I think coming in, it felt very intense53because everybody is very driven andambitious and they have really high goals.54It's really cool to be able to learnfrom your peers,55but at the same time, everyone wasso wonderful and welcoming.56Whether it was people in the same yearas me or people who were older,57when I entered the program,everyone was willing to help.58I think that was the best waythat I could put my experience.59-What would be the best piece of adviceif you would want to give someone60or would have wanted to know when youwere choosing your university in-program?61-I would say to try and keep your optionsas open as you can.62I didn't really get that advice.63I just didn't know exactlywhat I wanted to do,64and so I ended up doing a dual degree.65I wish somebody had told me aheadof time to keep all those doors open,66because it's opened up a lot ofdifferent opportunities for me,67but also, it's just given methe flexibility68to figure out what I want,even during university.69Even at the Ivey Business School,70I've been able to navigatemy way through that.71I think just keep your options open.72-I think in a similar vein,73I would say, look at the schoolbeyond academics.74I know for me,when I was picking a school,75I was really focused on the programand the career opportunities.76I think that being able to pictureyourself in that environment77and whether or not you could actuallythrive in that learning experience78on that campus,it has to be a good match for you,79not just academically,but also for your own personal life,80until you have interests outside of school.81I definitely think that that'salso really important82part of the university experience.83-What would you say your favoriteexperience or memory is84from your time in the HBA program?85-I think that mine isa little bit more broad,86but just going back to my earlier pointabout the section experience,87I think that it is something that isunique to the Ivey Business School.88Doing those group projects, spendinga lot of time with one group of people,89you really get to know people really well.90You meet really good friends.91I think just like all the memoriesthat I've made with the section92and spending those long hours studying,just hanging out after class,93doing cases together,94all of that is definitely somethingthat I will always remember.95-I was going to say the same thing.96Definitely, any section events97that gives you the opportunity to justmeet people within your section98and form those friendships.99For example, we had section potlucks,100where we would come togetherand just spend an evening together.101I think we went bowling once.102They were kind of HBAprogram-wide events,103and then they're also section events,so you get to know everybody.104I guess another thing that I personallyloved was our 48-hour report.105You get put in a team and you have48 hours to finish a full project.106It can be intense, but at the same time,it can be really, really fun,107because it's just a greatbonding opportunity.108You can get food with your teammates,get some rest,109but stay up late and talkand just chit-chat.110I think that was a really key momentfor just section bonding as well.111-Do you want to share which sectionyou were in when we were in HBA1?112-I was in Section VI.113The same section as me when--It was definitely fun.114Then I got to be like an orientation leaderthe year after for the same section,115so that was really fun to see the legacyof our section being passed down.116-I was in Section VII.117We were one of the sections known fora lot of section spirit, so that was great.118It led to some sections not liking usvery much, but we had a good time.119-Nicole and Rachel, thank youfor joining me today120and talking about your experience.121Hopefully, everyone watching122has gotten to hear a little bitmore about the program,123beyond just my personal experience.124Thank you for joining.125-Thank you for having us.126-Yes, thanks so much.