My-Linh - HBA - A Day in My Life as an Ivey Business School HBA Student

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-Pre-pandemic, I normally startmy day off with breakfastbefore heading to campus for class.However, in quarantineand with the virtual learning,I find that I am not gettingas much exercise and fresh air,so I start every day with a walk aroundcampus with my roommate.I find it's a great way to startmy day and really prepares mefor all the schoolworkthat I have ahead of me.I like walking through campusbecause I think it's so beautifuland it's a shame that with online learningI get to spend as much time on campus.10On my walks, I also passby the Ivey Business School building11and even though the HBA programdoes not have any in-person class,12students are still able to book outspaces to study.13After breakfast,I have my first class today.14Today, I have portfolio managementfrom 9:40 to 11:00 AM.15Instead of a case,we're actually doing a lecture today.16Lectures are in use to supplementour learning from cases17and they tend to bea little more theoretical in nature.18In between my morning class and lunch,I like to stick in my room19and start workingon my cases for the next day.20Right now, I'm working on a casefor my business, globalization21and government class tomorrow morning22and I'm doing a caseon rare earth metals in China and Japan.23After lunch, I have my afternoon classand from 2:30 to 3:30 today,24I have my entrepreneurial finance course.25We're actually doing case today abouta local golf course in London, Ontario.26After my afternoon class and before dinneris normally when I schedule meetings27or my extracurricular activitiesor group projects.28Today, I have a meeting with my groupfor my business polarization29and government coursefor our final project.30After any meetings I have, I like tocontinue working on assignments in cases31and instead ofdoing it in my room,32like I dowith the earlier part of the day,33I like to spend itin the dining room.34I like to work out in the dining roomin the afternoon and evening35because I think it gives me a nice changeof pace from my bedroom,36especially since we're insidea lot now these days.37This is my setup out in the dining room.38On the right I have my iPad withmy cases that I'm going to work on today.39Normally, the Ivey Business School casebooks are printed for us and we're able40to pick them up at the beginningof the school year.41However, due to the pandemic,we are now given online copies42since not all students are in London,Ontario to pick up their books.43I had an iPad since second yearthat I've only really used44for my engineering courses45because I find it's easierto write down formulas46and equations that way.47However, I didn't use itfor my business courses48because at the IveyBusiness School,49there's a no electronics policybecause it's easier for students50to concentrate and focus without them,which I find is very beneficial.51However, with the online learning,I'm able to use my iPad,52which has been convenient.53I also have my agenda that I useto keep track of all my due dates,54as well as any meetingsthat I may have and on my computer,55I've got pulled upmy Learn calendar.56Learn is the platformthat the Ivey Business School uses57to communicate with students.58I'm here with my roommate, Racheland we're making ourselves dinner.59[music]60Normally, after dinner,I like to do a little bit more work61before relaxing for the night,watching TV, or FaceTiming friends,62or watching The Bachelorettewith my roommate on Wednesday63but today is a Mondayand I have an in-person class64for one of my engineering courses.65We're actuallyin the Health Sciences Building66instead of the engineering buildings,67just due to the sizeand space limitations.68Unlike the Ivey Business School,which only has online lectures this year,69engineering has a hybrid model,where some courses are delivered in-person70and other courses are delivered online.71For in-person courses,they also offer an online option72for students who do not wantto come to campus.73For this course, our professorwill shoot himself on Zoom,74and people can watch online.75I, personally,enjoy the in-person option better76because I find it's easier for meto focus as well,77it gives me the opportunityto see some of my friends.78Before coming up to campus,79every student needs to fill outthe come back to campus questionnaire80just to ensure that they are not sick,and therefore, able to come back81onto campus82if you're allowed to come backand get the status of approval.83When you go to class, you then haveto swipe in with your Western student ID,84which will then tell themif you filled out the survey or not85and then if you're all good to go,you're allowed to walk into class.86Now that I've gotten to class,I'm sitting with my friends Rob and [?].87It's now around 11:30, I've come backfrom class and had a bit of a snack,88and I'm ready to head ahead for the night.89Thank you so much guys for coming alongwith me today and seeing90what it's like in my lifeon a day-to-day basis91and I hope it helpedyou understand92what it's like to bean Ivey Business School student.93I hope you had a lot of funand I'll see you next time.94[music]