Chloe - AMBA - Intro & Why Ivey

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-Hi, everyoneI'm Chloe, and I was lucky enoughto be part of the first cohortof the Accelerated MBA programat Ivey.I just wanted to share a little bitabout my experiencewith you to help hopefully,with your decision process.As you can see,I am in beautiful North Vancouver,BC,and this is where I did my Ivey AMBA,of course, aside from the three daysa month that I spent in Toronto10during non-COVID months.11This was a big partof my decision process12in terms of being ableto stay where I live,13keep my job, and move forwardwith my career and education.14I would imagine that's a big partof why you're doing this program15as well,16but I just wanted to share17a little bit moreabout the experience.18Which is that as soonas residency week hit,19it was immediately obviousthe high caliber20of people in the program.21Everyone there had somethingto offer, which is really important22in the case-based method.23That's something that you really wantto highlight24during the application process,is what you bring to the table.25Ivey does not accept studentswho are one dimensional,26so make sure that you're,27of course, highlightingwhy you're good28at whatever your main thing is,29but also, what else have you doneand what else can you point to,30to demonstrate your abilitiesand your insights31and perspectivesthat you could bring.32That would be my main thingfor the application process.33Hopefully, in the future videos,I'm able to help a little bit more34with detail, but overall,this was an excellent experience.35If you're the kind of personwho is self-motivated enough36to make sure that you're spendingat least one or two hours37every single day38doing something, I would recommendthis MBA experience to anyone.