Anika Mehta - Ivey AMBA - Introduction & Why Ivey

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Hi. My name is Anna Kamata, and I am officially an MBA from Ivy Business School. As of just a couple weeks ago, I'll tell you a little bit about myself. I'm originally from Ottawa, Ontario, and now I live in Toronto because my work took me there and I guess my university as well way went to Waterloo for my undergrad. And now I'd be from my MBA, and I'm a consultant at C G. I. C. G is a technology consulting organization, and I've been there for about three years now. Ah, part of the board forward of directors for the Massey Center, which is an organization in Toronto that supports women between the ages of 16 to 25 if they're pregnant or parenting. So that whole Okay, I think the auto apiece, the consulting piece and the masses Centerpiece tells you a little bit about who I am. I'll share with you a little bit about the application process, and then I'll get a little bit specific on my experience with the application. The way that it worked for me was that when I started looking into this program, I knew that I would need thio talk Thio work about it because you're taking a least one day off a month and you're doing a ton of stuff on the side. So your work should know that you probably will output less this year, just based on how much time you have to take off and what your other commitment is to something so substantial in your life as so once you get your works by in. Then the next step for me was actually looking at schools and so idea wasn't the only school I looked into. I looked at Rotman, I looked at queens and then, of course, Ivy. The fact that it was part time, the fact that it was downtown Toronto, the fact that it's the I V Network and the Ivy name it was Actually it was quite an easy decision, but okay, so after that, So you have your break. It worked by in you have you start looking at your schools and then it's the application process. You have your essay questions you have your interview and you have your reference letters that you have to get pretty standard the same types of questions that will ask you about strengths, weaknesses, experience doing something. It could change your over a year, and then the last step is the interview process. So the interview process is just like anything you've ever experienced. For me, it was a 45 minute interview again downtown Toronto, on that whole process for me was actually a really interesting journey. Thinking back on my journey, my the process was exceptionally quick from when I decided that I wanted to do an MBA to the application process, to talking to my work and then actually getting in. It was all less than a month, and that's actually a very unusual experience. Most people I knew in the program thought about it for a lot longer, But the way that it would just timelines turned out for me was incredibly quick, and I remember really reflecting and thinking, Do I want to do this? Nb I was really on the fence about it, Andi. It's a huge financial commitment, so you can't make this decision lightly and I was thinking E Michael, can I justify spending this money for an MBA? And the more and more I thought about it, it was an MBA at the right time. It was absolutely my work was very, very supportive of it, and I'd be able to do it part time because I really didn't want to leave work and for going a salary for me for a year was really not an option. So timelines and thesis approvals worked out really well and worked out in my favor. A year later, I can eventually call myself an MBA. If I could give some advice to someone about their application, it would be to be authentic. The Ivy experience is as unique and is as renowned as it is because of the people that are in a classroom. Your peers come with different backgrounds from different industries, incredibly different walks of life, walks of life and different mindsets, and the thought processes. That is the value of this program is learning from such a unique and diverse group of people, and so that needs to come across through your application that your experience why you're different. I believe that was sort of how I was able to stand out.