Anika Mehta - Accelerated MBA - Classmates

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Yeah, the best part about this program was not the case is we studied. I've learned from a new incredible group of individuals. I would say, my cohort, that comes from so many different backgrounds on in terms of their industry, in terms of education, back educational background in terms of just different personalities. That is the true joy of this program is when you get into those case discussions and people bring such different thoughts, ideas and thoughts and concepts that I would never have gone there. It's so great to see that perspective because it changes and shapes my perspective. So not only do you learn so much from your peers just based on their different experiences, you also become friends with them. So I'm so lucky to consider so that that I made some incredible friends this over the course of the year. Not only are they going to be the future leaders of our Canadian organizations here and incredibly successful, they're just good people and the people that I don't just consider colleagues or peers their friends. I that waas One of the main reasons that I chose to do an MBA Ivy and I'm so so glad that I did. Learning style at Ivy is to do cases on DSO over the course of the year. We've probably done over 50 cases for all the classes because every class is case based on the reason Case based works at Ivy is because you have all of these people of very different backgrounds. So in our conversations, it's really not just a simple question and answer. It's a debate that's a discussion, because we all are very different, and we all bring different skills and different ideas to the table. So I can remember some experiences where there are polar opposites with what people thought was the right way to do things, and it challenges you. It makes you think that Okay, this is a different way of thinking, and I either get on board or I can you double down on the way that I was going to go about doing it. If you bring that, I think you bring that learning back into your work, and so everything that I've experienced that I ve had been able to translate into my work life, not just in the terms of, you know, I've studied financial statements, and now I can read them at work. It's how to communicate with people, how to get your ideas across, how to make others believe in what you're saying. That's because we do these discussion based cases, and that's how we learn. I think that that has been part of this program that really enriched my learning and made me a stronger employees for my organization and just sharper thinker, because you have to always be on your toes because you don't know if you're gonna get called upon by the prop Cold called, and you don't know if there's gonna be a point that you really agree with or really disagree with, and you just need to jump in. So the learning through the people around you that are similar but also very somewhere similar somewhere different. The learning from those people was the best part of my for the program.