Adam - MSc BA - Who I am, Why I chose Ivey, and Application advice

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Hello. My name is Adam Rajani, and welcome to my video. Today I'm gonna be talking about the Ivey School of Business. Now, I'm currently enrolled in the masters of science and Management program, focused on Business Analytics. And I'm mainly gonna be talking about my experience so far in the program, the application procedure and any other advice that I do have for all of you guys who are thinking about applying. So I guess it would be best to start my grad school search process and why I actually chose the Ivey School of Business to be my destination. When I was searching for grad school programs, Initially, what I really wanted out of the program was for it to give me many career opportunities in the future. I additionally wanted it to teach me a skill set that would be transferrable to many different industries. And I wanted the skill set to be in high demand coming out of the program. Additionally, I wanted it to be a a skill set that would continue to have a high growth rates in the future with technological advancements. And I found that the Ivey School of Business masters of science and management program definitely fit this role. There were three streams when I was applying to this program, and those were the international business stream, the digital Management Stream, and the Business Analytics Stream and I found that the Business Analytics stream definitely fit my interests the most. And that's why I decided to pursue that program. When it came down to actually picking the Ivey School of business as my eventual choice, What really swayed my opinion was the information that was shared to me from my friends who graduated from the program. They were able to share information about the professors about the actual alumni network, about the resources that I would I would have access to and the skills that I would develop in the skill set that I would attain when coming out of the program and the prospect of having the skill set in Data Analytics. This prospect of being able to learn from world class teachers, being able to have access to a resource and alumni network that was of the highest caliber was something that really excited me and was a big contributing factor in making me decide to pursue this program. A common question that I usually get is whether or not I actually went to the Western University campus before applying and enrolling in the Ivey School of Business. Now, due to the current coronavirus pandemic that has been going on for around a year so far, I actually did not have the chance to go to Western University. However, I did do my undergraduate degree and McMaster University in Hamilton, which is only an hour or so away from London, Ontario, and from Western University. So during my undergraduate degree, I had plenty of opportunities to actually go to the Western University campus, and it was really nice to see, it was amazing to see the environment that was created by the Western University campus for the students and the professors. And that was actually a contributing factor for me deciding to pursue Ivey School of Business and Western University for my master's program. Hopefully, I have the chance in my final semester in September, to actually visit the Western University campus and actually be able to interact as a student. The application process has a few components within it, but don't worry, it's actually really easy to complete. The main components include your undergraduate degree, which you finished within the last two years, a few essay questions and video questions that you have to do, your resume, your a copy of your unofficial transcript as well as two references. Now, if you do have any questions about this process, like I did during my application process, you can feel free to contact the admissions office, and they'd be more than happy to help you with any questions that you do you have. When it relates to how to stand out on your application and what the admission officers really value. I think the best thing to do is to essentially just be authentic, be genuine and be yourself. They really just want to see your personality and who you are as a person. So don't be afraid to let your passions show, your interests and really show that you're a personable and driven person. They want to see that you're genuinely interested in the program, so that's another big tip. They can tell that when someone is just doing the application and passing and when someone has a genuine interest in their program and in the Ivey experience. So as long as you can take those two tips within your application process, just be yourself and let your personality show and show genuine interest in the program, you guys should all be fine. That covers everything in this video. And I hope that all of you were able to take something of value out of it. Look forward to my next videos coming up and thank you guys all for tuning into Campus Reel.