College Hacks

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So today I am going to be filming a freshman year video for Fordham University. Ah, lot of you guys messaged me after seeing my Fordham Lincoln Center Dorm Tour video. So I thought I would just make a video of me talking about some tips and tricks for a freshman year. Almost likely be just rambling in this video in the description box. So if you're coming to Fordham this year, this doesn't apply to you. If you're looking at this video thinking about coming to Fordham next year, I recommend picking your roomie and not doing random. Every year there's a Fordham Facebook group that you conjoined and write a little description about yourself, what you like, what kind of roommate you would be what you're interested in your major stuff like that and people will comment, message you. In my case, I was pretty Saturn doing random, but last minute I was like let me just post my little description and get in a Facebook group. My roommate, Emma I'm living again with this year, commented, saying that she was in the same situation like maybe gonna do random, but we broke for like, Well, I guess it's better to just pick each other than go complete random. They split you up into groups for those few days, and that's also a perfect opportunity to meet friends because they do a lot of icebreakers, stuff like that. It's a good chance to see people who are interested in the same thing. I don't really know anyone, and a lot of people say that you don't stay friends with the same people you meet in the first week. That's not true for me because I'm still great friends with a lot of people that I met the first week. Now I'm going to be talking about class and teachers and more specifically, office hours. Your teacher will have a certain set of ours that you can go in me and work on papers, assignments, anything like that. If you go and spend time when your teacher, they will give you criticism on your paper assignment, whatever it is, and you're guaranteed to get a better grade than you would have without, don't wait until you get a bad grade on a paper or great, you just don't like because if you go from the beginning, you're gonna start out with a really good grade. Your teachers are gonna see that you really are passionate about that class. Even if you're not, the teachers love to see that you're spending the extra time Thio improve your grades, improve your paper. Personally, I don't go out to clubs or bars or anything like that. I'd rather spend my money going out to a really nice restaurant. So if you want any recommendations of good places to eat New York, message me common below anything, I will be more than happy to share that with you. There are a lot of events at school if you're like me and you don't want to go out to clubs, bars, whatever. If you are into going out stuff like that with a group of people, Fordham Lincoln Center doesn't really have parties like a normal college, so you'll easily be able to find somebody to go out with. So I recommend getting your work done as soon as possible, right after class, Anything like that. So you have the whole day to explore the city because in the beginning, you're definitely gonna want to after every class to go back to my dorm. I do all the work for that class, so I literally have the whole entire day to do anything I want. I'm able to go shopping, go e at a restaurant, go to a museum, anything like that, and not have to worry about any homework. Living in New York is full of people on opportunities, as you can imagine that for me, I'm really into fashion. Even from the first year, I was able to make so many connections go to so many cool Fashion Week events, stuff like that. Put yourself out there, meet a lot of people go police is do not sit in your dorm and whatever. There's never a dull moment in New York that was so cheesy, but literally every day you guys, if you're living in McKeon, the dorms air so beautiful and you're gonna be like, this is the most beautiful city ever. You'll see when you move in, I'm gonna talk about my personal daily schedule like classes, because the first semester they give you your classes and then semesters. My classes went from 8 30 to 3 45 which sounds like a lot for me. Then Wednesday I had off so I could do anything I want to. Then Thursday again, I would have the Monday class. So I really liked how it felt like Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you are coming to Fordham next year, the year after you're just watching this video, let me know if you're taking a tour. So thank you guys for watching if you see me on campus? Say hi. I'll probably be really awkward and be like Oh, my God. What? Because I have, like, two subscribers, but people have been taking tours and they said hi to me because I watched my dorm video, which was so funny.