Shannon gives more information on the size of FIT!

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So another thing I wanted to mention about F I t is the size of it. A lot of people don't realize how big it actually is, and it is a suiting school. A lot of people also don't know that it wasn't always a city school, but it is now, which is really nice because if you're in New York State resident in state benefits. So I'm from upstate New York, So it's really nice, you know, getting the in state tuition and everything. Um, but I think he is actually, quite a big school were probably like a medium sized school. People don't realise how big we are because a thie campus is very small, just like one large building on the block and then with the dorms across the street. Then the ones over here, Obviously, but a lot of students, most students are commuters, so they either have their own apartment city or outside of the city. Maybe in like New Jersey, or a lot of people live and come from New Jersey. Yeah, it's a really big on commuting, which is why I think a lot of times people don't realize how big this school it is because it looks like it would be a lot smaller because of the size of it. Yeah, it's quite mix well, so you're not going to know everyone.