Shannon talks about the FIT stereotypes

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Yeah, I figured I would take this time to talk about little more of, like, a touchy subject with anxiety, which is the stereotype that it can get. Sometimes I have heard people say that they hear sometimes bad things about authority about the people that go here, that they're really stuck up, really cliquey or can be really mean. I do not think that is the case at all from my experience. This is my third year here, and everyone I meet is so friendly, so nice. It's competitive because just the environment in the industry itself, that lot of people are going into is very competitive. People are really supportive of each other and really friendly get, Oh, everyone wants to get to know each other. I've never had a problem with anyone being mean or not wanting to talk to me. I think if I cheat gets a bad rap for that sometimes which is totally untrue. I think that if you've heard that your interest in coming here. I remember when I first applied and I heard that I just kind of kept it in the back of my head. I didn't let it stop me. I'm so happy that I didn't because I think coming here was one of the best decisions I ever made. I'm so happy that I didn't let that get in the way of that. Don't let that get to your head. It's such a great school. The people here are so great you're going to make so many friends, I promise.