Why I Love FSC
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Hi, I'm McKinley Miller, a student at Florida Southern College I grew up in. In the Dell residents all I only just started college this year. I am an honor student and a double major in film and theater arts B F A in film B and theater arts. I take classes in person for the most part, but someone still do a little bit of both kind of virtual and in person. I was initially searching for a school with a good English major because I was worried about finding a career in the arts. The film and theater majors and the teachers convinced me that I could pursue my passions and thrive Mhm. The process of looking for a college was really overwhelming for me. I'm the oldest of my family, and the whole process is very different now than it was when my mom went to school and we were both kind of starting from square one. So I toured 20 colleges in New York and Florida, and each one has their pros and cons. I actually made, like three different lists with different points systems to make sure I was making the right choice. In every single one, Florida Southern was the outstanding dominator of the whole process. I attended the scholars weekend and met some amazing students here that just made me feel at home like no other school did. I can also point to the moment that weekend when I auditioned for a theater scholarship while I was here, and I actually left smiling. Anyone who's ever gone to an audition can tell you that it is a feat in and of itself, an audition where you don't leave in need of a nap, and a tub of ice cream is a good audition. This one was different in that I was so comfortable and so excited by the possibilities, and I just had so much fun. I was definitely know where they Mm mm, because I followed an accelerated track in my high school. It allowed me to come to college with a lot of my Jeanette credits covered so I could take more courses just for my majors. I have loved being able to learn more specific subjects to what I want to go into is my career. My favorite classes so far have been the hands on classes where we go from project to Project and get our hands dirty and learn on the spot. My art classes are like that, and so are my film classes, and so are my theater classes. A lot of the teachers make a point to teach the same thing different ways as needed to get through to students who need to learn by reading it, hearing it, doing it, etcetera. I know sometimes I need to see things in action to truly get it. Even now, the professors will find time to open up their office hours and show you, especially with such a small school and small classes, that individual attention is readily available on campus.