Gretchen talks Tips and Tricks for Applying at FSC

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As you could tell, I am definitely more bundled up than I typically am in our Florida weather today. In today's video, we're gonna talk a little bit about the application process for students who are interested in the college, as well as some tips that I have and information from my personal experience and maybe some things that I wish I knew and things that might put you ahead in the application process. Because I forgot to say earlier, I'm gonna be giving you some Florida Southern insiders throughout this video. So for every tip I give, I'm also gonna add in maybe some fun slang terms that we stay around campus, maybe some hot spots on campus, or even show you some items that almost every Florida southern student will have on hand with them or be very familiar with to start things off, we're gonna be, you know, just chilling in the backyard together. First things first that I really wanted to mention is to use the common application platform when applying to any school of your choice. It makes the entire process so much more easier, and it keeps track of every school that you're applying to, as well as an individual checklist of things you still need to do in order to complete your application all through the one website, I highly recommend it. I know when I was going through the application process, I really focused on those larger state universities for a lot longer than I wish I had because then ah, lot of those hidden gems are hidden within our smaller colleges such as Photo Southern College. So don't close off the idea of going to a small school. I am such a creature of habit that I carried ah, lot of things that a Florida Southern college student is gonna be very familiar with. If you're buying any food that is on your meal plan another thing that's on there. The last thing here, which I think a lot of the parents would be very interested in seeing, is our safety button. It will send my personal location to the security on the Florida Southern College campus. Another thing that a lot of you might want to know is another thing that a lot of you might want to know is, how did you get into the school? Gretchen, what was your essay topic? As many of you may know, the essay is a big part of the application process. For me, I took a lot of time Thio write my essay, lay it out, make sure that it was formatted properly in fit, every ounce of information that I could within the given word limit that you are given, and all of that is lined out on the common application website when you're applying. For me, I have a personal story that goes along with that of a severe car accident that I was involved in my sophomore year of high school, and I really I felt that I connected well to that topic and would be able to showcase a lot of my abilities and strength to the decision board of not Onley Florida Southern College, but many other schools as well by writing about that topic. So my biggest advice is don't go with the topic that you think a certain school might like to hear, but one that you think is going to showcase you the best. For me, that's the one that next Florida Southern insider is going to be, one that is known by two different things at our college, and that's kind of the whole point of this insider at Florida Southern College. You will hear a are going battle of whether it is clap, clap, piss or tap tap. Which one is it? Well, I will leave it to your interpretation and whether or not you engage in that battle at Florida Southern College. So the next thing we're going to talk about is what do the admission officers look for in an applicant specifically at Florida Southern College? Because every school looks for something different, right? My biggest piece of advice for no matter what school you're applying for is to don't try and be someone you are not in your application thes application officers read through hundreds of essays and applications, and if you're sounding just like every other application, you're not going to stand out to them in the acceptance process. It's what's going to stand out to them, and it's what's gonna make you a memorable candidate, further college or university. I think one thing right now that any college and specifically Florida Southern College is going to look for in your application is ability to adapt your adaptability. We're in a time right now where you need tohave adaptability in order to further your education and be willing to work with the amazing staff at Florida, Southern College or even any other university that you're going to. I know that I made sure to include a lot of situations in my essay and my application of personal response questions where I showed my strengths when it came to situations arising and how I dealt with them. That's something that the application committee, I think, is really going to value specifically amongst the cova 19 Pandemic. Yeah, And for this Florida Southern insider, I am talking about none other than the Holy Scooter. You know what? At 19 years old, I am in the upper range, and you also know what most of our students do skateboard around campus. Lastly, I just want to give you any advice that I found helpful that I wish I knew Maybe when I was going through the process. For me, One thing I'm really gonna want to stress here to you is don't wait until the last minute to apply to your colleges and especially don't wait to apply for outside scholarships. You, as an applicant to Florida Southern College are automatically considered for one of their merit scholarships, but do not rely on that 100%. It is so important. Do not wait until the last minute because a lot of those scholarships have earlier deadlines and you may think they dio I know way too many people that it really breaks my heart to see. Missed out on a lot of the scholarship opportunities that they could have qualified for, and they would really benefit from but they lost it because they didn't realize how early the deadlines actually were. When it comes to applying to your actual college or university, you do not wanna have to feel rushed. That is such a big application that you are filling out. The last thing you want to dio is being waiting till the last minute to submit that application, because then you aren't sure if it will be received on time or get approved on time. That's just unnecessary stress that you don't want added to the college application process. The last Florida Southern insider that I'm going to share with each day is Do you wanna go to the mock mark after class? Hey, do you have to get you something from the Mock Mart mock mark? That is a term that I became very familiar with, and you will, too. As a student at Florida Southern College, the Mock mart is, ah, blessing when it is 11 p.m. And all of our other dining halls are closed and you need a late night snack. Even things like batteries are sold in the mock markets. I know that I spend a lot of time and a lot of my meal card points at the mark mark, so come to flow to Southern and I'll get you something from the mock mart.