Gretchen talks about remote learning at Florida Southern College

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I'm so glad you're joining me to learn more about the college experience and what Florida Southern has to offer today's video is gonna be a really fun one. Uh, you know, amidst Cove in, we've been doing a lot of remote learning. So today I'm going to kind of show you the ropes of how my remote learning schedule is Now that I am learning from home give you some tips that I like to do to stay focused with remote learning because it is a lot different from being on campus and just kind of, you know, share the day with you. If you watched my last video, then you know that I actually began my first semester at Florida Southern College in person, and we just recently switched over to remote style learning. So it's actually been a really new experience, but also a really smooth process in switching over the college has been absolutely incredible and making sure that we're all comfortable and we're all ready and set to go. I know that one thing that might be an issue is you know, Internet. Ah, lot of our students are struggling to make sure that they have proper Internet. That was one thing that the college is a really good job of working with the professor's on to be like, Hey, if you have a student who's struggling with their Internet connection, just send them over the lecture, you know, be willing to help them. That's been really awesome because I know where I live, particularly sometimes. It's hard to get a good connection for the most part, for remote learning at Florida Southern College, you will see that we use Zoom. Teams also allows you to have more participants in a zoom call. For the most part, if you're comfortable using Zoom, you'll be comfortable with remote learning. How am I supposed to say motivated? You know I'm home. How am I supposed to get up every day in focus when I'm not even on the campus? Well, don't you worry. Is sharing some of those tips as to how you make remote learning engaging? You make remote learning fun, and you make it easy to take on because it is a challenge. First things first that always helps me is when I know I'm going to have a long day with remote learning. I actually tried to get out of bed before my class, and I actually try to, you know, do my hair, maybe put some makeup on, wash my face and put on real close that I didn't sleep in that night. Because when you're zooming into your lecture from your bed and you're still in your pajamas, you're not gonna be able to focus, and you're not gonna get much out of it as if you've already gotten up and had a fresh start to your day. So today I'm rocking some Florida Southern college swag for all of you that you can have of your own. One thing for me that has been a really big advantage of doing remote learning is Get outside. I come out here all the time to work on my homework, and it allows you to get some awesome fresh air. Studies actually show that you're not supposed to do hard work where you accompany it with Relax ation a k where you sleep, your bedroom. So sometimes it can be really hard to stay motivated when your bed is right there and you know that's your place of relax ation. You have to, you know, write that 10 page paper right then and there on campus, I ran into the same struggle. We have a lot of opportunities to get out of your room. We could go and buy the buck, stop and enjoy some of the tables that they have their to do work. You could get a blanket and go to your work on Mr Georges Green or my personal favorite. To is very, very much As a student at Florida Southern College, I go in every single day just about get a sesame seed bagel with butter and ice cream tea. Unfortunately in my hometown and Grandma Florida, we don't have a two twos, But we have coffee shops and Panera bread. So I'm gonna go show you what remote learning likes over there. Actually, have a zoom meeting heading into finals week. So you can kind of get a little bit of an insight as to exactly how what we like to call Zoom. You Zoom University looks from my perspective really quickly. You're gonna want gift cards to places like Panera local bakeries or coffee shops wherever you're at. Because then it's going to be a lot easier on the pocket to be able to come out of your dorm or out of your room and study somewhere that might require some money outside of your meal plan at school. We're back in the car now from working at Panera Bread. I spent about two or three hours there, and it's definitely gotten darker outside since I went, but I'm glad I got to show you kind of how it looks to be on a zoom called going into finals week. You got to see a little bit of what I was working on. Um, as a first year student, I look into some of our general education courses and how they lay out their work, um, for finals and some of the projects they give, which was really awesome. A shout out to my group members for letting you video them there. Um, as you can see, it's really awesome to get out of your house sometimes to do some work. I know for me, I was able to go into Panera Bread. I finished my entire final project for my What's religion class.