Get To Know Josh! Why FSC?

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I've pretty much lived my entire life in Florida at this point, and I just want to give some insight as to why and how I discovered Florida Southern College and ultimately, my decision to attend the school. Eso some general info about Florida Southern College is, if you want to go to a bit of a larger school, it's probably not the best choice. Um, I think our population right now somewhere around the 7000 students, um, but it hardly feels like it. Honestly, I didn't believe it when I heard it, but it's really come to be, quite honestly, the truth. That's not to say that you don't meet a bunch of new people or that you're gonna see the same people every single day. Um, what it really means is that if you want it to feel like a big campus and you wanna have a bunch of a new experiences, then by all means that's within your capabilities at this school. So I first learned about the school through Ah, friend, actually who was applying here. I ultimately decided that if it my two major criteria, I've always been super into politics, and I wanted to find a school with some sort of good political science program or good history program, something where, like, I can really get involved, because I've always been a pretty hands on learner, and the department here at Florida Southern College has been an excellent opportunity to gain hands on experience. I've served as a canvasser for the strong Lakeland campaign, which we lost, uh, but it was a really great experience learning how to actually interact with a lot of different people and kind of learning how to process rejection because you'll have a lot of doors slammed in your face if you decide to go through politics. Um, especially as a canvasser, Um, but it's definitely a lot of fun. Um, since then, I've held internships with my local district court, um, down in Fort Myers and I'm currently with working with in an immigration law firm. I decided to actually visit the school for two big reasons, the first being I wanted to visit a college campus period. It was a really great um, I guess, motivation for me to actually come to the school. Wow, the brochures like Don't really do it justice. The interactions you mean you have with all the people, especially at our Cyber Cafe, which we call Tutu's, is some of the greatest times I've had in my four years here. Um, the architectures is pretty interesting, though if you're over, like on 5 10. So if you're like 5 11 plus you, you might have a bit of trouble walking through the actual hallways just because some of the architectures built for not not tall people will say. Ultimately, the decision for me to attend Florida Southern College came down to two big factors, the first one being that I needed a scholarship just period to attend college. I'm a first generation college student, so my sister and I are both in the first generation of our family to actually attend college. She actually currently goes to dental school in Kentucky, and I plan to further matriculate and go to law school in the coming fall. The other factor for my decision was proximity to home as well as kind of like campus eyes, because I didn't want to transition too much into a really big campus life because I really felt, um, not the traditional pressure that I would be just a number as much as I would be lost amongst people just for sheer volume of population. Another school I was looking at was the University of Florida, where my sister attended. Quite frankly, just too big with school for me to really wrap my head around, Um, and Florida Southern just kind of hits that really Goldilocks kind of point, where it's just big enough for you to meet new people and having new experiences, but also small enough where you can make these close, intimate friend groups where you also don't feel like you're constantly having to go out and see something new or meet. Do you have some sense of familiarity? Um, it's also the fact that it's a now and a half away from home really helped me make that decision because being able to come back and see my family and help them whenever I can has been a really great benefit of going to some place so close to my home. I've definitely come to love Florida Southern College for the fact that I've made a number of amazing connections with a lot of people. Um, I speak with a number of people who are in law school already, or some of my brothers and my fraternity who have gone on to do a bunch of other things like work in the computer science field. I'm not sure what the job title is would be for that or who have moved across the country across the sea is going to medical school, and it's been an experience. I never thought I would really have to be quite frank. So my only understanding and experience with world has been the bus ride to school and the bus ride back to school back home. Honestly, it's something that I really appreciate the school for actually affording me the opportunity tohave, Um, and in terms of prospective students or anybody who even might have an inkling of wanting to go to school in Florida or specifically Florida Southern College, I hope you understand that wherever you go, it's gonna be a new experience, and it's gonna be challenging. Florida Southern College just has that sense of unfamiliarity while still providing resources and connections and friendships where you still feel comfortable. Um, for most of the time, uh, of course, sometimes you gotta push yourself to actually meet new people, which was a bit of a challenge. Um, but really putting yourself in a position with to encounter new people, having new experiences, debate new ideas, um, and just really, like, dip your toe in a bunch of different areas. I've met a lot of people with different political ideologies Is me people who come from different backgrounds than me people who come from the same background with me. So if I could give one piece of advice to incoming students or anybody you know, kind of just generally going through the college application process would be to not really think about the process in the now as much as where do you think you are gonna want to be in four years? Because this is a commitment, and ultimately I decided to make Florida Southern College my home for these past four years, and it's been a great, great decision, but a lot of people make that decision a bit too hastily and Onley really think about, you know, immediate gratification or want to go to the biggest school or the biggest name school. I highly suggest, um, if available to actually go to the campus of the colleges that you're looking at, because it's a really great opportunity to actually familiar. Familiarize yourself with the school and kind of understand where you if you could see yourself there because originally I didn't think I could really see myself in Florida Southern College, just it being so small until I actually got to the campus. It took a few days, but it was a pretty quick connection for me to actually feel at home at the school, especially with the admissions counselors who are lovely, amazing people who I hope you will have the opportunity to interact with because they're just simply great and make the whole process super smooth and super easy and not confusing at all. What kind of experiences you wanna have? So if you want to regularly take trips to the beach, maybe don't go to school where the state is landlocked or things like that, You know, something have a rational basis for actually deciding which school you want to go to. Once you get to school, everything isn't easy, but it gets a lot easier once you really like.