What Makes Equality Charter High School Different with Stephanie

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The energy that is in this building is, it's honestly intoxicating. I remember they're just thinking back to the first day of school this year and just walking out of the building so revitalized because being home for the last two years has been exhausting mentally and physically. So um it's really nice to be back in the building because they're just like I said, it's fun. I think the school does a really good job, especially with everything that has gone on in the last two years with, you know, school opening and closing with covid vaccinations with covid screenings and everything that goes on. I think the school in general has done a really good job. Um keeping keeping in contact with parents with scholars with staff. Um I don't necessarily think that there's ever really this big breakdown in communication overall. I think everybody is usually always on the same page and you know, just like any other person or relationship communication is key. Right? So we make sure we send those emails, we make sure we have those phone calls, we make sure we have those in person conversations or zoom calls. Um, so I really do think the communication is overall done well here inequality in comparison equality is nothing like anything else that I've experienced. Um there's so many different cultures and personalities and just, I don't know how to describe it. I've learned so much from the staff and from the scholars in the past six years more in the past six years about just people in general than I think I've learned in all my years of education. Um, so I don't think there is any type of comparing because they're just so polar opposite. This is, I mean, I've been here for six years, there's a reason I'm still here. Um, this is just a really great place to be, I think because there's such an investment in our scholars, not just, um, professionally, but also like socially and emotionally. I think because of that, that creates an environment in which kids want to be here. Um, they want to be here, they want to learn, um, they want to be with their favorite teachers or with their friends. Um, and I think that all comes down to those relationships and that culture that we have here in the building everything integrity professionalism, engaging students in their learning, making sure that they're really critically thinking about the world. Um, and that, you know, it's, it's easy to apply that to content areas like, um, science or history, but the reality is it's applicable in oil content areas and I think the school really does a great job at working towards and striving towards achieving those goals for our scholars.