The "Lend a Helping Hand" Culture at Equality Charter High School (with Ciara)

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You walk through the building, You see all of the scholars learning, you'll probably see some teachers interacting in the halls. So it's definitely lend a helping hand when needed. Students, teachers, parents and staff interact just as any family. The parents know that they can contact the teachers and the admin at any time, whether it be through uh, teacher is, which is our grading portal or email or even a phone call for them to be connected to the teachers extension. It's open communication between all between staff and students, between administrators and the staff between parents and staff. Everyone just makes sure that everyone else is good. The teaching environment and equality is different from other schools because of the word equal. We definitely take the approach of every student can learn, every student will learn and we nurture, right? So we set those goals in the beginning, everyone is made aware of those goals from admin to supervisors and teachers, to the teachers and even down to the scholars. So once everyone is aware of those goals, we all work to achieve them together. We have several different courses, a wide range of electives and ap classes. Even when the scholars are not in class right there doing Some type of learning whether it be from one another and at lunch one or even the culture staff, then the hallway. So I'd say it's an environment of continuous learning inside and out of the class. Equality Charter definitely stands for one of our equality Charter High school values, which is professionalism. So this was the school that I worked at that pushed me the most. It pushed me to become a better person, a better educator and knowing that I could progress and grow and do more things in the future. Equality Charter high school value of integrity, right? It helps you be an integral person, just being here Standing for something, having strong moral principles and good character. So I think everyone that works here and all of the scholars that matriculated grow to have those about.