Meet Stephanie, the History Department Head at Equality Charter High School

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I am actually the history department head here at Equality Charter High School and I currently teach ap us history. I wanted to be a teacher my whole life, my grandfather was a history teacher. Um, but I just, I love working with students and I, and especially students in high school, I don't know if I necessarily would make a great elementary school teacher, but I love working with students in that age range between 9th and 12th grade. Also I just love being surprised by all of their hidden talents. You know, the student that you think is just a book nerd actually ends up being an incredible, uh, you know, musician or artist or even sports um, fan. So it's just um, I just love everything about them really. I love history because it's a story, right? So we can't, we can't move forward in this country and in this world without knowing where we came from. I think it's important that we tell those stories, but we tell those stories from more than just one point of view. Um, and one of the things as a department that we're really striving to do um, as we teach history to our high schoolers is to really bring in those, those voices and um, those faces that we don't necessarily always see in the history books because whether or not they make the history books or not, they're still important to the history of who we are as a country and as a planet, essentially.