What Scholars Need to Know about Saturday School at Equality with Mr. Leone (8th Gr. Algebra)

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Uh my name is Mr Leoni and I teach eighth grade algebra at Equality Charter Middle school. You know the reason I became a math teacher is because I love two things in life. So that's why I decided to become a teacher because I want students to have the same love for I do of mathematics. I want them to see the beauty and how mathematics works and how it can help them in their real lives and how they can use them to solve problems no matter what they're doing, whether they're uh you know just working from home or working in the office or working out in the field no matter what they're doing, Math can help you in real life. The reason I decided to teach saturday academy is because the more time I'm helping the students about I know that not everybody learns at the same pace or rate that everyone else does. Some students need a little extra support and that's not a bad thing. So that's why you might need to come to saturday academy to get a little extra practice and become stronger in mathematics and that's what saturday academy will allow you to accomplish. I'm looking forward to saturday academy and I cannot wait to see you there. So you get a good night's rest on friday night, have a good breakfast in the morning. I'm partial Dunkin donuts myself but whatever you can eat something, come to school and I can't wait to see you have a great day.