Seeing Students Grow Through Saturday School at Equality with Anash (10th Gr. English)

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My name is John Ashbery um they call me Mr Nash and I teach 10th grade English. Well I started off teaching or being a power for younger grades. I was getting tired of tying shoelaces and I really wanted to establish relationships and be more of myself. So that's why I started working with older students and I've become very passionate about that. I love that I'm able to really build a relationship. Um make jokes, be more of myself with the older students. I love how real they are and I love seeing their growth over the course of the year. I've always loved to write I've used it as an expression as a means of expression and outlet when I've gone through a hard time still passing that down to my students has been basically like a dream. I've decided to do saturday school because in the past when I've done summer school and saturday school I was able to be more creative during the year. During saturday school it's a lot more creativity because it's me creating those lessons and me creating that curriculum and in that process I get to learn so much more teacher. I'm seeing that growth with students seeing them eventually whether it's passing our regions or become better writers, Seeing that growth because working one on one always makes the most difference. Um with students learning and student growth so that's why it's definitely rewarding and worth it.