Providing Support Through Saturday School at Equality with Simonne (High School Dean)

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I am the high school dean And the after school point later. One of the parent coordinators, I became educated because I grew up around a lot of great educators that were black and brown and we're intentional about instilling um great things. To me, so I just wanted to have an opportunity to do the same. Like they love to learn, they love to engaging in things. Um and they're so, so quick to help and I think that's an awesome treat. One thing I love about being a dean is that I get to see the growth within the students, outside of the academic space. Um so outside of content, I get to see them grow to um better people, mature people. I get to be there when they make mistakes and help them work through it. So that's one of my favorite parts about being a team decided to help it saturday school because I saw that there was a void that I could potentially feel right. Anyone that can kind of help our scholars get to actually support that they need to be successful. I think that saturday school can definitely help to close a lot of the gaps. You know, maybe different reasons maybe later this or whatever. I think the saturday school can definitely help to kind of close those gaps. Um and again, anything I can do to kind of help my students um close that gap I'm here to do.