Getting to Know Students Better Through Saturday School at Equality with Samantha (10th & 11th Gr. History, Special Education)

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So I'm Samantha Fioravanti, I currently teach 10th grade Global two and 11th grade U. S. History and I'm a special educator. I became a teacher because I really just enjoy being in the classroom and helping others learn and building on their education. I love so much about my students on I love how excited they are when they enter the classroom, I love building a relationship with them and just helping them learn and just grow as individuals. I actually really enjoy teaching history especially this year. I feel like so much throughout the content we're able to make connections to current events and I think it's just the students are super insightful to build upon their own learning and kind of see how far we've come as a nation. I decided to teach saturday school because I teach five full sections this year and I really enjoy getting to work in a smaller environment with the students and then kind of getting to know them a little bit better and how they learn or how they understood an assignment or maybe how they misunderstood an assignment and then kind of bringing that back into the classroom because chances are other students probably struggle with that as well and just kind of adapt my teaching and you know kind of take how they learn into consideration and make adjustments. Um To do saturday school was kind of like a no brainer for me. I really feel like it gets to get that deeper connection with the students and a better understanding of how they learn and a lot of them seem like really eager to get that smaller environment and work more one on one with the teacher and get that immediate feedback and clarification on content as they need. I feel like there's a lot more of that personal motivation and the students to do really well and, you know, build on their own learning.